Monday, November 24, 2008

School Spirit Shopping Bags and Megaphones!

Do you have school spirit? We are happy to help you raise funds and school spirit by organizing a fund drive with school spirit recycled plastic megaphones and reusable organic cotton shopping bags! The best part is that we will have your school's mascot and name printed on each!

Email us at for more information. It is easy and fun!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Times Square Going Green

From time to time I like bring to attention a great concept or piece of news I read about that has nothing to do with us, but everything to do with our collective mission in the "green" initiative movement.

I read this article by The New York Times today. Here's an excerpt from the article telling some of the features on the new "eco-friendly" billboard going up in NYC's Time Square:

"The “passive” sign is not studded with light-emitting diodes like so many others in Times Square, but will be lighted by 16 300-watt floodlights. It will feature custom-printed opaque vinyl sheeting bearing the red-and-white Ricoh logo. The sign will be green, nevertheless, a message “to customers, other companies and the world that resources and energy can be used creatively,” Mr. Potesky said. “The point is that there are ways of being environmentally friendly to the planet, even on a billboard.” Unlike the tall propellers in a typical wind farm, the cylindrical Ricoh drum turbines have no sharp blades. They will provide 90 percent of the sign’s power; the rest will come from the solar panels on the sign, feeding electricity to eight collection batteries up in the sign. The drums are so perfectly balanced, Ricoh says, that their rotors could be turned by the wind from a single household electric fan." (New York Times)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Top Five Reasons to Choose an EcoLabel Green Fundraiser!

1. You can be proud to ask your supporters to buy eco-friendly, quality products for your fundraiser!

2. Parents that buy a green product to support your fundraiser are more likely to have one more conversation with their child about the environment than they would have otherwise had that day!

3. Educators can integrate lessons about the environment and being eco-friendly into the classroom instruction that will tie in nicely with your fundraiser.

4. Did your Mom ever say, "Do as I do, not as a say?" You are leading by example and children will remember talking about the environment for years to come.

5. Eco-friendly fundraising supports sustaining the Earth's resources for our children and our grandchildren.


Whether or not you have already had a fall fundraiser, it is still to your advantage to add EcoLabel Fundraising's program! Your supports will buy Holiday Gifts, so why not earn 25% of each dollar they spend for your school?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Are We Qualified to Help?

We don't just talk the talk. We walk the walk. Picking a fundraising program is like making an investment. I think every fundraising chair or school staff member making the fundraiser decisions should consider one question, "How are they qualified to help me?"Our organization includes personnel with experience in:
  • Fundraising and grant writing for non-profits.
  • Fundraising for schools
  • Fundraising for Team race programs
  • Elementary, Middle School, High School and Collegiate classroom instruction.
  • Business-world Information Technology management
  • Sales and Marketing in the business and education worlds.
  • Professional project management.

Our staff has collegiate degrees and training in:

  • Education
  • Business
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Information Technology Systems
  • Graphic Design

We are qualified to help you. You can not be everything to everyone, so let us take some of the weight off your shoulders.Welcome to "Respecting our Earth, Raising your Funds, and Educating our Future."

Tel: 877-ECO-1141

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fundraising made Elegant!

The new EcoLabel Fundraising site is launching within days (we were hoping we'd be launched on the new site today, but our design team is dotting some last minute i's and crossing some t's, so that it is perfect for your viewing pleasure), so we give you a closer glimpse at one of our products we featured earlier in the week in a group of products.

We love the Earth and enjoy all the resources it provides us. We love that these cards made from recycled paper and vegetable-based inks are so delicate and appealing to the eye!

This is called the "Blue bird" design. The creator of these products really has a eye for delicate and elegant.

Fundraising made elegant!

$16.50, Box of 8