Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Your 2010 Fall Fundraiser

As Fall Fundraising has come and gone, we have been flooded with PTA board members, parents and school staff hoping to introduce their school community to a greener fundraising option. We welcome and look forward to this cycle of events that happens this time of year. We understand the disappointment felt by some when they are faced with non-green fundraising choices sent home in their child's backpack. We thought we'd write about it to let you know that it is perfectly normal - many feel the way way you do.

If you want to add a greener fundraiser, feel free to drop us a line. Our eco-friendly fundraising ideas are a great change for your school fundraising efforts. We take the work out of your school fundraiser. Let us provide you with A+ customer service, and help your school raise funds.

Our program offers so many products from Food to Gifts to Home items. We focus on quality and making sure we have something for everyone. For example, green fundraising can taste and feel good all at the same time! Your taste buds will enjoy the sweetness of Equal Exchange's Fair-Trade Hot Chocolate and Chocolate with Almonds bars or a saltier fare of Organic Tamari Roasted Almonds or Organic Roasted Pecans.

The best part is that you don't have to gorge yourself with these delectable treats all at once! You can carry a few with you in a Stainless Steel Lunchbot or Kids Konserve Stainless Container.

We look forward to working with your school. To get started, simply Email Us - info@ecolabelfundraising.com.

It isn't our dream to help you raise funds in a more responsible way - it is our passion.

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