Sunday, March 1, 2009

Practical Fundraising Ideas

To be practical is to be smart in this economy. One of our eco-friendly fundraising goals is to offer practical fundraising products. We do not want people to fill their homes with fundraising products that they will not use for many years to come.

Green fundraising ideas need to fit in with recycle, reuse and reduce. We offer recycled products to your school for your next green fundraising. We also offer green products that can be reused. Quality is the top priority for us when selecting products to add to our eco-friendly fundraising program. Finally, by offering quality products, we are allowing your fundraiser supporters to reduce what they will have to purchase over time. We want the products they buy to last them for many years.

If you are part of a school or non-profit, email us with your fundraising ideas for products to include in our line. We are always happy to review products that you have used and find to be favorable.

1 comment:

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

LOVE the bag! And your blog...great idea!